Back to School, Back to STEM!
Welcome back to school month! We're ready to get kids excited about science during STEM Lab and After School Enrichment for the 2024-25 school year! September's Harvest Moon On September 17, 7:34p Long Beach Time, we'll experience a harvest moon. What makes it a harvest moon and not just a regular full moon? It's the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox. While this full moon may appear slightly bigger and brighter than usual, spotting this variance isn't always obvious. Link to Article: harvest-moon-supermoon- partial-lunar-eclipse- september-2024 An Awesome Color Change in Nature Amidst our local palm trees and pine trees, look for the dogwood and maple trees beginning their transformations of leaf color. During autumn, due to shifts in daylight length and temperatures, leaves halt their food production process. As chlorophyll diminishes, the green fades away, revealing vibrant yellow and orange hues that contribute to the beauty of fa...