August's STEM Harvest

As August heats things heat up, there's still time to "harvest" fun STEM facts! Keep reading to find out more! The Perseid Meteor Shower Check out the Perseid Meteor shower – its name originates from Greek mythology and sons of Perseus. Peaking August 11–13, the Perseids are forecasted to yield about 100 meteors per hour, establishing it as a reliable annual meteor event. Plus, this year we anticipate less bright moonlight to interfere with visibility. Link to Article: Coming Together for STEM-Aviation Day Every year on August 19th, pilots, flight attendants, aircraft mechanics, and other aviation industry professionals come together to commemorate National Aviation Day. Initiated by former President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939, this day celebrates the progress and innovations in aviation. Link to Article: Harvesting STEM Activity August is a mont...