November's Full Beaver Moon, Celebrating National STEM Day, and A Fun Thanksgiving Activity!
It's our November post! Check out the Full Beaver Moon, National STEM Day, and a fun Thanksgiving activity that keeps on giving even after the thanks have been given. Keep reading for more! November's Full Beaver Moon The Full Beaver Moon illuminated the night sky on November 27th, 2023 – marking the second to last full moon of the year. This particular full moon earned its name from the beavers who construct their winter dams during this season. As we celebrate and honor Native American Heritage Month, we'd like to take a moment to recognize the roots of the name "Beaver Moon" for the November full moon. It stems from various Native American tribes and serves as a reminder of their rich cultural history. Link to Full Article: The Full Beaver Moon shines tonight, the next-to-last full moon of 2023 | Space National STEM Day On November 8th we celebrated National STEM Day, a day dedicated to recognizing the significance of Science, Technology, Engineering, a...