The Return of El Nino, The Lost Titan Submarine, and the Benefits of Project Based Learning for STEM activities
This month, Shared Science celebrated both LGBTQ+ month and Juneteenth, further emphasizing our dedication for people of all backgrounds to be included and recognized in the field of STEM. In the news, there were a number of fascinating stories, including a submarine lost at sea, changes in the Pacific Ocean's temperature, and new approaches to STEM education. Keep reading to learn more! The Return of El Nino Scientists officially declare that El Nino, a phenomenon that takes place every 2-7 years, has arrived! El Nino causes an increase in sea surface temps in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, impacting rainfall patterns, potentially causing droughts and deluges in unexpected parts of our globe. Link to Full Article: El NiƱo is officially here, scientists say | Space The Titan Submarine Disaster and its Effects on Space tourism On June 18th, a submarine tourist visit to the Titanic ended catastrophically. The event has prompted scientists to reevaluate sa...